Our Ministries

Operation Christmas Child
Operation Christmas Child is a ministry under Samaritan’s Purse that uses gift-filled shoeboxes to share God’s love in a tangible way with needy children around the world. Immanuel is blessed to be a Central Drop Off Location for the South Arkansas Area.
Immanuel hosts monthly OCC work days, National Collection Week is the 3rd week of November, and our packing emphasis begins in August.

The Betty Tolleson Library at Immanuel Baptist Churches has thousands of books, children's books, DVDs, and other resources to assist in Bible Study and Christian learning. Visit the online catalog by clicking here. The library is open on Sunday morning and Wednesdays.

Deaf Ministry
Our Praising Hands Ministry is designed to help Deaf and Hard of Hearing individuals grow in their relationship with Jesus Christ, and to develop strong, supportive relationships with others in a Christ-centered environment. We offer a co-ed Sunday School class for ages 14 through adult, as well as signed interpretation for worship services and church events.